Defining Service Design

Process into building an understanding of Service Design as a practice.

Teams within organisations come to work together from diverse fields and backgrounds. This should always be seen as an advantage, but there are certain aspects to keep in mind to ensure a smooth and optimal collaboration, different perspectives on definitions of terms and lexicon should be addressed and a common understanding must be reached.

Understanding Service Design from a common ground is essential to take this practice into action within a team, this is why I thought I would look into some of the previous efforts to define this discipline. 

Analysing the different definitions from the most reliable sources I discovered correlations and patterns of words that were repeated. Iterate, adapt and improve. Also interesting, that these recurring words were verbs.  Then I clustered the words into a second column of combinations of verbs which formed actions, like “asses value” and “look holistically”. 

Through a process of finding correlations of verbs, actions and objects I arrived at 3 sentences which begin to shape a new understanding of Service Design. Because of it’s nature of integrating systems and process of specific business models, one definition of Service Design does not fit all circumstances, this is why it’s necessary to redefine it constantly based on a specific context in which the Service Design initiative will be implemented.